Our Delivery Team - Empower, support, connect

Charlie (Charlotte) Marwood

Top Cog and one of the founding Directors. Passionate about community owned business development, wider social enterprise, economics and the benefits of what a sustainable business approach to community solutions can deliver. Lets grow Cam & Dursley’s social economy together.

Charlie is the eyes and ears of the organisation and launched our first community business, The Escape Room Dursley as part of her role. As The Engine develops, Charlie’s role is to support local entrepreneurs and help people launch the businesses that we need locally to see our economy grow and thrive.

Actions and words, ideas, sounding board, business analysis, support and positivity……..all to be embraced and welcomed.

Ben Edwards

Is one of our Game Masters and will welcome you when you join us for an Escape Room experience.

Adrian Judge

Founding Director and local business man dedicated to the social and economic well being of our local community.

Will Mansell

Founding Director and strong supporter of social enterprise across Stroud District and beyond .